DGI has wide-ranging expertise in innovative “capital stack” financing to build and preserve affordable housing, mixed-use, and other real estate projects in more than 25 cities throughout the western United States. DGI are specialists in engaging local government agencies and maximizing funding programs in communities ranging from high-density cities, sprawling municipalities, expanding suburbs, and remote rural towns. Our knowledge and experience working in these diverse real estate and affordable housing markets using a mix of private and public finance tools allow us to streamline processes and effectively navigate obstacles preventing progress.    

While the financing cannot be the sole driver of affordable development, the deal structuring and integration of multiple public partners is crucial to meet each project’s programmatic goals.  DGI provides financial management throughout the development process, from initial feasibility to construction to asset management.   DGI can also assist partners with site acquisition and entitlement, budgeting, scheduling, personnel selection and supervision, permitting, design management, environmental assessment, property management plan, partnership agreement reviews, and securing and reviewing environmental reports.

Nonprofits, churches, and social service organizations with minimal housing experience seek our finance and development expertise and, when needed, project co-ownership.  Since 2000, DGI has contributed to the development and preservation of affordable housing units throughout the country.

Public Housing Revitalization

Seattle Public Housing Authority (SHA)

Holly Court, High Point, and Rainier Vista - Seattle, WA


Nihonmachi Terrace

San Francisco, CA

Permanent Supportive Housing

The Shasta Hotel

Sacramento, CA

Senior Housing


San Francisco, CA

New Construction

The Cannery at Railroad Square

Santa Rosa, CA


Bernal Gateway

San Francisco, CA

Strategic Financial Feasiblity Analysis

DGI’s services include feasibility analysis, securing predevelopment funds, financial modeling, developing operating proformas and underwriting analysis, and pursuing and negotiating debt and equity. The DGI team can skillfully secure, structure, and blend complex funding tools that include:

  • • 4% and 9% Low Income Housing Tax Credits

    • New Market Tax Credits

    • Cross subsidization from the sale of market-rate parcels

    • Private Investment Capital

    • Program-Related Investments (PRIs)

  • Tax-Exempt Bonds

    California Housing and Community Development (CHCD)

    - Multifamily Housing Program (MHP)

    - No Place Like Home (NPLH)

    - Transit-Oriented Development (TOD)

    - Affordable Housing & Sustainable Communities (AHSC)

    - Infill Infrastructure Grant (IIG)

    - Veterans Housing and Homelessness Prevention (VHHP)

    - Loan Portfolio Restructuring Program (LPR)

    - Homekey

    California Housing Finance Agency (CalHFA)

    - Mixed-Income Loan Program (MIP)

    - CalHFA’s Permanent Loan program

    - Section 811 Rental Assistance

    U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

    - FHA Insured Loan programs

    - Section 202 Housing for the Elderly

    - Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) conversions